About LCF

LCF Limited is the abbreviation for Legal Claims Fund Limited. The legal entity behind this initiative is a non-profit organization registered in Gibraltar (LCF Association). You can read the charter of the non-profit association here. In summary, LCF Limited investigates cybercrime and seeks restitution and compensation on behalf of its members from the regulated and unregulated financial institutions and from the European enablers of the financial Activities. We strongly believe that a large group of accredited investors are victims of unregulated financial activities and asking for help from the authorities and proper legal institutions following a detailed and structured process can help to stop this type of unregulated financial activity in the financial market.

Mission Statement

The purpose of LCF is to support victims of cybercrime and to promote cybersecurity in the user segment of consumers and small investors.
With increasing digitalisation, the extent of cybercrime is also increasing massively. The activities of many initiatives to increase cybersecurity focus primarily on the technical and organisational aspects of companies. LCF, on the other hand, concentrates on protecting consumers from online fraudsters through technical, organisational, communicative and legal measures.
We think that the protection of Consumers and Small Investors is a must for the development of a sustainable cyber society.
The activities of LCF focus on the following areas:
  • Supporting victims of cybercrime to overcome the psychological effects of the crime and to prevent them from being victimised again;
  • Identifying European financial service providers supporting the scams and addressing them for refunds on behalf of the victims;
  • Coordination and contact point for authorities, non-government organisations and private initiatives for data exchange and warnings regarding scams and investment fraud;
  • Public early warning system against scammers and investment fraud in cooperation with media partners and operators of social media;
  • Development of a cybercrime database for statistical analysis.
Important Note: LCF is owned by Transparent Business Solutions B.V. and provides free consultations. Chargeback and other fund recovery programs contracted thereafter are subject to retainers, fees, and/or commissions depending on the individual case history and the type of service selected. LCF does not offer any financial investments or advice.

We are a Global organization with our different branches in: Australia, Netherlands, United Kingdom, and Canada